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Supercar - the best Japanese music group.

This group of four from Aomori were my favorite when I was living in Japan, along with Rip Slyme, Sambomaster, and a few other small indie bands (Art School, Kiseru, and so on). You can't find a ban with abject originality like Supercar in Japan - most groups like Orange Range, Gackt, Dir en Ciel, and the like are just cut copies from either visual-kei molds or industry inspired groups that are one step away from being the rock version of Morning Musume.

I was in a bar in the Kansai area in 2000 when this song came on and I fell in love:

I can remember what I was drinking (Yebisu draft) and what I was eating (shelled peanuts) and what the bartenderess looked like, only because the music was so new to me that it made an indelible impression of that particular moment.

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